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Adding a JAR File to An Android Project

Android, JAR File, Android Studio1 min read

In Android development, the use of third-party libraries is common to extend functionality and streamline the development process. These libraries often come in the form of JAR (Java ARchive) files. Integrating a JAR file into an Android project can provide access to additional features or resources not readily available in the Android framework.

In this article, we will walk through the process of adding a JAR file to an Android project using Kotlin in Android Studio.


Before delving into the process, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of Android development using Kotlin.
  • Android Studio installed on your machine.

Steps to Add a JAR File

Step 1: Create a 'libs' Directory

First, create a directory named 'libs' at the root level of your Android project. If the directory already exists, you can skip this step.

Step 2: Copy the JAR File

Copy the JAR file you want to add into the 'libs' directory within your project's folder structure.

Step 3: Include the JAR File in the Build Path

In Android Studio, right-click the JAR file within the 'libs' directory, then select Add as Library. This action will include the JAR file in the build path of your project.

Step 4: Configure Dependencies

Open the app-level build.gradle file and locate the dependencies block. Add the following line to include the JAR file as a dependency:

1implementation files('libs/your_jar_file_name.jar')

Replace your_jar_file_name.jar with the actual name of your JAR file.

Step 5: Sync Gradle Files

After making changes to the build.gradle file, click on the Sync Now option in Android Studio to sync the Gradle files. This step ensures that the added JAR file is recognized and incorporated into your project.

Utilizing the Added JAR File

Once the JAR file is successfully added to your Android project, you can begin utilizing its functionality within your Kotlin code. Import the classes or packages from the JAR file as needed, allowing you to use its features in your application!