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Reading an Android Text File Asset in Kotlin

Kotlin, Android, File Handling1 min read

When working with Android applications, there are instances where you may need to access and read a text file that's packaged as an asset within your app. In this article, we will delve into the process of reading an Android text file asset using Kotlin. We'll go through the necessary steps, from accessing the file to reading its contents, providing practical examples along the way.

Accessing the Text File Asset

To begin, let's assume you have a text file named "sample.txt" stored in the "assets" directory within your Android project. First, ensure that the file is placed under the "assets" directory in the app module. If the "assets" directory doesn't exist, you can create it under the "main" resource directory: app/src/main/assets.

Utilizing the AssetManager

The AssetManager class in Android provides access to an application's raw asset files. We'll make use of this class to open an InputStream to the desired asset file. Below is a snippet demonstrating how this can be achieved:

1val fileName = "sample.txt"
2val assetManager = context.assets
3 { inputStream ->
5 // Read the contents of the file from the inputStream

In the above example, context represents the context of the current activity or application. Once we have obtained the InputStream to the asset file, we can proceed to read its contents.

Reading the File Contents

Now that we have the InputStream, we can read the contents of the text file. We'll use Kotlin's extension functions to convert the InputStream to a String. Below is an example illustrating how this can be accomplished:

1val fileContent = {
2 it.readText()

In this code snippet, the bufferedReader() function is used to wrap the InputStream in a BufferedReader, which makes it easier to read the contents line by line. The use function ensures that the resources are closed once the operation is complete.

Putting It All Together

Let's now bring everything together by combining the steps to access and read the text file asset. Below is a concise example that demonstrates how to achieve this:

1val fileName = "sample.txt"
2val assetManager = context.assets
4val fileContent = {
5 it.readText()
8// Now 'fileContent' holds the contents of the text file asset

By following these steps, you can effectively read the contents of a text file asset within your Android application using Kotlin.