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How to Change a UILabel's Alignment in Swift

Swift, UILabel, Text Alignment1 min read

As an iOS developer, you may often need to change the alignment of a UILabel in your app to better fit the design and layout of your user interface. In this article, we'll take a look at how to change the alignment of a UILabel using Swift.

A UILabel is a basic UI element that displays read-only text. By default, the text is aligned to the left, but you can change the alignment to center or right if needed. In this article, we will focus on how to change the alignment of a UILabel.

To change the alignment of a UILabel, we need to access its textAlignment property. This property is of type NSTextAlignment and determines the alignment of the text in the UILabel. There are three values you can use for this property: .left, .center, and .right.

Here's an example of how to change the alignment of a UILabel to center:

1let label = UILabel()
2label.text = "This is my label text"
3label.textAlignment = .center

In this example, we first create a UILabel and set its text to "This is my label text". Then we set the textAlignment property to .center. The text in the UILabel will now be centered.

You can also change the alignment of a UILabel in Interface Builder, which is the visual editor for building user interfaces in Xcode. Simply select the UILabel in the editor, open the Attributes Inspector, and choose the desired alignment from the drop-down menu under the Text Alignment section.

In conclusion, changing the alignment of a UILabel in Swift is simple and straightforward. You can use the textAlignment property of the UILabel to align the text to the left, center, or right. Whether you're working in code or in Interface Builder, changing the alignment of a UILabel is a quick and easy task that can greatly enhance the look and feel of your iOS app.