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Checking JobScheduler Jobs with ADB

ADB, JobScheduler, Android Development1 min read

JobScheduler is a powerful feature in Android that enables developers to manage background tasks efficiently. When working with JobScheduler, it's essential to have visibility into the scheduled and running jobs to ensure the smooth execution of your app. In this article, we will learn how to use ADB commands to check JobScheduler jobs on an Android device.


To follow along, make sure you have the following:

  • An Android device connected to your development machine.
  • ADB (Android Debug Bridge) installed and properly configured.

Listing Scheduled Jobs

To list the scheduled jobs on your Android device, execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

1adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler | grep "JOB #"

This command utilizes the dumpsys command to retrieve detailed information about various system services, including JobScheduler. The grep filter helps narrow down the output to only display lines containing the text "JOB #", which denotes a scheduled job.

The command will provide you with a list of scheduled jobs, including their IDs, package names, and other relevant details. You can analyze this output to gain insights into the scheduled jobs within your app.

You can also omit the last "| grep "JOB #" part if you just want a list of all scheduled jobs. The output is pretty verbose though so you might want to use the search function of your terminal app if it has a search function.

Checking Running Jobs

In addition to scheduled jobs, it's crucial to monitor and debug any running jobs. To check the running jobs on your Android device, use the following ADB command:

1adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler | grep "RUNNING: u"

Similar to the previous command, this command employs dumpsys jobscheduler to fetch information about JobScheduler. The grep filter specifically searches for lines containing the text "RUNNING: u", which indicates a running job.

Running jobs may have unique identifiers and other relevant details associated with them. By examining the output of this command, you can identify and troubleshoot any issues related to currently executing jobs.

Wrap Up

Using ADB commands, we can conveniently inspect JobScheduler jobs on an Android device. By listing the scheduled jobs and checking running jobs, developers gain valuable insights into the background tasks executed by their apps.