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Checking for the Same Day using Calendar and inSameDayAs

Date Comparison, Calendar, Swift2 min read

Date and time calculations are common tasks in programming, especially when dealing with scheduling, reminders, and other time-sensitive applications. One frequently encountered requirement is determining whether two dates fall on the same day. In Swift, you can achieve this using the Calendar class and the inSameDayAs function. In this article, we'll explore how to check for the same day using the Calendar and inSameDayAs functions in Swift, providing you with practical examples along the way.

Understanding the Calendar class

The Calendar class in Swift provides functionality to work with dates, times, and intervals. It offers a wide range of methods for performing various calculations, including comparisons between dates. To determine whether two dates fall on the same day, we can leverage the inSameDayAs function provided by the Calendar class.

Using inSameDayAs to check for the same day

The inSameDayAs function is available on the Calendar class and allows us to compare two dates and check if they belong to the same day. Here's the general syntax of using inSameDayAs:

1let calendar = Calendar.current
2let date1 = // your first date
3let date2 = // your second date
5if calendar.isDate(date1, inSameDayAs: date2) {
6 // Dates fall on the same day
7} else {
8 // Dates do not fall on the same day

In this example, we create an instance of the Calendar class and obtain the current calendar using Calendar.current. We then compare two dates, date1 and date2, using the isDate(_:inSameDayAs:) method. If the dates fall on the same day, we execute the code block within the if statement. Otherwise, we execute the code block within the else statement.


Let's dive into some practical examples to understand how to use the inSameDayAs function for checking the same day in different scenarios.

Example 1: Comparing current date with a specific date

1let calendar = Calendar.current
2let currentDate = Date()
3let targetDate = // your specific date
5if calendar.isDate(currentDate, inSameDayAs: targetDate) {
6 print("The current date and the target date are the same.")
7} else {
8 print("The current date and the target date are different.")

In this example, we compare the current date obtained using Date() with a specific target date. If they fall on the same day, we print a message indicating they are the same. Otherwise, we print a message indicating they are different.

Example 2: Checking if two dates from user input fall on the same day

1let calendar = Calendar.current
2let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
4// Assuming user inputs the dates in a specific format
5dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
6let userInputDate1 = // user input 1)
7let userInputDate2 = // user input 2)
9if let date1 = userInputDate1, let date2 = userInputDate2 {
10 if calendar.isDate(date1, inSameDayAs: date2) {
11 print("The entered dates fall on the same day.")
12 } else {
13 print("The entered dates do not fall on the same day.")
14 }
15} else {
16 print("Invalid date format.")

In this example, we assume that the user inputs two dates in the format "yyyy-MM-dd". We use the DateFormatter class to convert the user input into Date objects. Then, we compare the two dates using the isDate(_:inSameDayAs:) method. If they belong to the same day, we display a message stating that the entered dates fall on the same day. Otherwise, we indicate that the entered dates do not fall on the same day.

I hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of how to check for the same day using the Calendar class and the inSameDayAs function in Swift. And I hope you can incorporate these techniques into your projects to enhance the accuracy and functionality of your date-related operations!