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How to Clone an Object in Dart

Dart, Cloning, Object-Oriented Programming2 min read

Dart is an object-oriented programming language that is used to build applications for a variety of platforms, including the web and mobile devices. In Dart, objects are instances of classes, and they contain data in the form of properties and behavior in the form of methods. One common operation in object-oriented programming is to create a new object that is a copy of an existing object, known as cloning. In this article, we will explore how to clone an object in Dart.

The simplest way to clone an object in Dart is to use the built-in copyWith method. This method is part of the Object class, which is the parent class of all objects in Dart. To use this method, you need to create a new object that extends the object you want to clone and override the copyWith method to return a new instance of that object. Here is an example:

1class Person {
2 String name;
3 int age;
5 Person({, this.age});
7 Person copyWith({String name, int age}) {
8 return Person(
9 name: name ??,
10 age: age ?? this.age,
11 );
12 }

In this example, the Person class has two properties, name and age, and a copyWith method that creates a new instance of the Person class with the same or updated values for name and age. To use this method, you can simply call it on an existing Person object and pass in the new values for name and age, like this:

1Person person1 = Person(name: "John Doe", age: 30);
2Person person2 = person1.copyWith(name: "Jane Doe");

In this example, person2 is a copy of person1 with the updated name property.

Another way to clone an object in Dart is to use the dart:convert library and its jsonEncode and jsonDecode methods. These methods allow you to convert an object to and from a JSON string, which can be used to create a deep copy of an object. Here is an example:

1class Person {
2 String name;
3 int age;
5 Person({, this.age});
7 factory Person.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
8 return Person(
9 name: json['name'],
10 age: json['age'],
11 );
12 }
14 Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
15 return {
16 'name': name,
17 'age': age,
18 };
19 }

In this example, the Person class has two additional methods, fromJson and toJson, which allow you to convert the object to and from a JSON string. To use these methods, you can call jsonEncode on an existing Person object to convert it to a JSON string, and then call jsonDecode on that JSON string to create a new Person object, like this:

1Person person1 = Person(name: "John Doe", age: 30);
2String json = jsonEncode(person1.toJson());
3Person person2 = Person.fromJson(jsonDecode(json));

In this example, person2 is a deep copy of person1, meaning that it contains all the same data but is a separate instance of the Person class.

In conclusion, there are two ways to clone an object in Dart: using the copyWith method or using the dart:convert library. Both methods allow you to create a new object that is a copy of an existing object, but the copyWith method is simpler and easier to use, while the dart:convert library provides a more flexible and powerful way to clone objects. When choosing which method to use, consider the complexity of your objects and your specific requirements for cloning. Regardless of the method you choose, cloning objects is an important concept in object-oriented programming and is a powerful tool for managing data in your Dart applications.