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Conditional Rendering in React

React, Conditional Rendering, JavaScript2 min read

Conditional rendering is a powerful technique in React that allows you to selectively render components based on certain conditions or states. It provides a way to control the appearance and behavior of your application's UI dynamically. In this article, we will explore different approaches to conditional rendering in React with practical examples.

Basic If-Else Rendering

One common way to conditionally render components in React is by using an if statement or a ternary operator within JSX. For example, suppose we have a boolean variable isLoggedIn that represents whether a user is logged in or not. We can use it to conditionally render a greeting message based on the login status:

1function Greeting({ isLoggedIn }) {
2 if (isLoggedIn) {
3 return <h1>Welcome back!</h1>;
4 } else {
5 return <h1>Please log in.</h1>;
6 }

You can then use this Greeting component in your application, passing the isLoggedIn prop to conditionally render the appropriate message.

1function App() {
2 const isLoggedIn = true;
4 return (
5 <div>
6 <Greeting isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn} />
7 </div>
8 );

In this example, the h1 element rendered depends on the value of the isLoggedIn prop.

Using && Operator

Another approach for conditional rendering is to utilize the logical AND (&&) operator. This technique is useful when you want to conditionally render a component or an element without providing an alternative. Consider the following example:

1function WarningBanner({ showWarning }) {
2 return (
3 <div>
4 {showWarning && <p>Warning: This action is irreversible.</p>}
5 </div>
6 );

In this case, the <p> element will only be rendered if the showWarning prop is true. Otherwise, nothing will be rendered.

Conditional Rendering with State

React components often need to respond to changes in state and update their rendering accordingly. By using the useState hook or class component's state, you can achieve dynamic rendering based on state values. Let's demonstrate this with a toggle button example:

1function ToggleButton() {
2 const [isOn, setIsOn] = useState(false);
4 const handleClick = () => {
5 setIsOn(!isOn);
6 };
8 return (
9 <button onClick={handleClick}>
10 {isOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}
11 </button>
12 );

In this example, clicking the button toggles the state value of isOn, causing the text inside the button to change between "ON" and "OFF". The component re-renders automatically when the state changes.

Handling Multiple Conditions

Sometimes, you may encounter situations where you need to handle multiple conditions for rendering different components. One way to achieve this is by using the switch statement or a series of if-else statements. Here's an example that demonstrates different greetings based on the time of day:

1function Greeting({ hour }) {
2 let greeting;
4 if (hour < 12) {
5 greeting = 'Good morning';
6 } else if (hour < 18) {
7 greeting = 'Good afternoon';
8 } else {
9 greeting = 'Good evening';
10 }
12 return <h1>{greeting}!</h1>;

In this example, the Greeting component renders a different greeting based on the value of the hour prop. You can customize the conditions and responses according to your requirements.

In closing, conditional rendering is a vital concept in React that enables you to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. By leveraging if statements, ternary operators, logical operators like &&, and state management, you can control what components are rendered based on various conditions or states. Understanding these techniques empowers you to create more flexible and responsive React applications.