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Convert Int to Float in Swift

Swift, Type Conversion, Float1 min read

In Swift, converting an integer value to a floating-point value (float) can be done using a simple casting operation. This process allows you to seamlessly convert between different numeric types, enabling you to perform calculations and utilize the float data type when necessary. In this article, we'll explore various methods to convert an Int to a Float in Swift, along with examples to illustrate each approach.

Using Initializer

The simplest and most straightforward way to convert an Int to a Float involves utilizing the initializer provided by the Float type. This initializer allows you to create a new instance of Float by explicitly passing an integer value. Here's an example:

1let intValue: Int = 42
2let floatValue = Float(intValue)
4print(floatValue) // Output: 42.0

In the code snippet above, we create a Float instance named floatValue by directly passing the intValue to the Float(...) initializer. This results in a successful conversion from Int to Float.

Using Floating-Point Literal

Swift provides floating-point literals, which are values with decimal places. By using a floating-point literal, you can convert an Int to a Float implicitly. Here's an example:

1let intValue: Int = 42
2let floatValue = 42.0
4print(floatValue) // Output: 42.0

In the example above, we assign the value 42.0 to floatValue, which is a Float variable. Since the literal has a decimal point and no type annotation, Swift automatically infers its type as Float. Thus, the integer value is implicitly converted to its floating-point equivalent.


Converting an Int to a Float in Swift is a simple process that can be accomplished using the type casting operator, the Float initializer, or utilizing floating-point literals. Depending on your specific requirements, you can choose the method that best suits your needs. These conversions allow you to work with floating-point values and perform calculations effectively.