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Creating a Simple Unit Test in Flutter using flutter_test

Flutter, Unit Testing1 min read

Creating unit tests in Flutter can be a great way to ensure that your code is working correctly. In this article, we will be using the flutter_test package to create a simple unit test for a Flutter app.

First, we need to add the flutter_test package to our pubspec.yaml file. This can be done by adding the following line to the dev_dependencies section of the file:

2 sdk: flutter

Next, we can create a new test directory in the root of our Flutter project. This is where we will place our unit tests.

To create a unit test, we need to import the flutter_test package and define a test function. The test function takes a string parameter that specifies the name of the test, and a function that contains the test logic.

Here is an example of a simple unit test for a Calculator class that has a subtract function:

1import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
3class Calculator {
4 int subtract(int a, int b) {
5 return a - b;
6 }
9void main() {
10 test('subtract function', () {
11 var calculator = Calculator();
12 expect(calculator.subtract(3, 2), equals(1));
13 });

In this test, we are creating an instance of the Calculator class and calling the subtract function with the values 3 and 2. We are then using the expect function from the flutter_test package to check that the result of the subtract function is equal to 1. The equals function is used to specify the expected value.

We can run this unit test by using the flutter test command in the terminal. If the test passes, we will see a message indicating that the test has passed. If the test fails, we will see a message indicating what went wrong.

In this example, our test will pass because the result of the subtract function is equal to 1.

In conclusion, creating unit tests in Flutter is a great way to ensure that your code is working correctly. The flutter_test package makes it easy to write and run these tests. By using this package, we can quickly and easily test our Flutter code to ensure that it is working as expected.