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Detecting long clicks/presses in Jetpack Compose

Android, Jetpack, Compose, Kotlin1 min read

So you're using Compose and you want to detect if a user long presses a Composable of some kind...You've come to the right blog!

Before we get into it, I actually wrote another article a little while back about how to run some code with a delay using LaunchedEffect in Jetpack Compose. If you're interested in Compose feel free to check it out!

In most cases to detect clicks or taps on something that isn't a Button people use the clickable modifier which will detect a normal press:

2 text = "ABC",
3 modifier = Modifier.clickable {
4 // TODO: Do something here
5 }

For a Button you can just use the onClick parameter:

2 onClick = {
3 // TODO: Do something here
4 }
5) {
6 Text("ABC")

Both options are great but they won't detect long presses - just regular ones. This is where another modifier, combinedClickable comes in handy. Here's an example of how to use it:

2 text = "ABC",
3 modifier = Modifier.combinedClickable(
4 onClick = {},
5 onLongClick = {
6 // TODO: Do something here
7 }
8 )

The best of both worlds

You might have noticed that there is also a onClick parameter. That's the great thing about combinedClickable, you can detect both regular and long presses:

2 text = "ABC",
3 modifier = Modifier.combinedClickable(
4 onClick = {
5 // Regular
6 },
7 onLongClick = {
8 // Long
9 }
10 )