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Finding Google Play Transaction IDs for App Transfers(Play Console)

Google Play, App Transfer, Mobile App2 min read

Transferring an app between Google Play accounts requires a specific piece of information: the transaction ID associated with the initial registration or purchase of the developer account. Over time, Google has updated its interface and processes(including ID formats), which might leave developers puzzled about where to find this crucial ID.

What is a Transaction ID?

A transaction ID is a unique identifier for a purchase or transaction made through Google Play. It's used to verify the original account owner's identity and to authorize the transfer of an app to a new account.

Step-by-Step Guide to Find Your Transaction ID

Step 1: Access Your Google Payments Center

  1. Open Google Payments Center.
  2. Log in with the Google account that was used to register or purchase the app on Google Play.

Step 2: Navigate to Transactions

Once logged in, navigate to the "Transactions" section where all your payments and purchases are listed. This area can sometimes be found under "Activity."

Step 3: Identify Your App's Transaction

Look for the transaction related to your app's registration or purchase. It might be labeled with the app's name or as a "Google Play Developer Console" transaction.

Step 4: Extracting the Transaction ID

Transaction IDs might appear in various formats depending on when you created your Play Console account. Here are some tips for identifying and modifying your transaction ID correctly:

  • If your order ID looks like GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567, this is already your transaction ID.
  • For IDs formatted as 01234567890123456789.token.0123456789, remove everything before token.
  • For IDs with 0123456789.Registration.0123456789, remove everything before Registration - 'registration' may also be in lowercase.

Ensure you copy the correct part of the ID, as this is crucial for the app transfer process - one of the IDs I had for an account was in the '.token.' format and I had a bit of trouble with this because the help article Google provides doesn't explain it(it did show an example for the "Registration" format that looked correct though).

Step 5: Use the Transaction ID for App Transfer

With the transaction ID in hand, proceed to the Google Play Console's app transfer section and input the ID when prompted. This verifies your ownership and authorizes the transfer(by also verify the new account's ownership).

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Transaction Not Found: If you can't find your transaction, ensure you're in the correct Google account. Transactions are only visible to the account that made the original purchase.
  • Incorrect ID Format: Double-check the formatting guidelines above. Make sure you're only including the necessary part of the transaction ID - if you include the parts that aren't necessary it won't work.
  • Payment Center Access Issues: If you have trouble accessing the Google Payments Center, verify your account's security settings and try a different browser or clear your cache.