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Opening Android Device Settings Programmatically with Kotlin

Android, Kotlin, Device Settings1 min read

In Android development, it is often necessary to provide users with a way to access various device settings from within an app. Whether it's enabling permissions, adjusting display settings, or managing app-specific preferences, giving users easy access to these settings can greatly enhance the user experience. In this article, we will explore how to open Android device settings programmatically using Kotlin, empowering you to seamlessly guide users to specific settings screens right from your app.

Opening General Device Settings

To open the general device settings screen, you can use the ACTION_SETTINGS intent action. Here's an example of how you can accomplish this in Kotlin:

1import android.content.Intent
2import android.provider.Settings
4fun openDeviceSettings() {
5 val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS)
6 startActivity(intent)

By calling the openDeviceSettings() function, the ACTION_SETTINGS intent action will launch the device settings screen, allowing users to modify various system-level settings.

Opening Specific Settings Screens

In addition to opening the general device settings, you might want to provide direct access to specific settings screens within your app. This can be achieved by specifying the desired settings action in the ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS intent action. Here's an example:

1import android.content.Intent
3import android.provider.Settings
5fun openAppSpecificSettings() {
6 val packageName = packageName
8 val uri = Uri.fromParts("package", packageName, null)
9 = uri
10 startActivity(intent)

In the openAppSpecificSettings() function, we first retrieve the package name of the current app using packageName. Then, by setting the ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS intent action and passing the package name as a URI, we can open the settings screen specifically for your app.

Opening Other Specific Settings

Apart from the general device settings and app-specific settings, you can programmatically open various other specific settings screens using their respective intent actions. Here are a few examples:

  • Wi-Fi Settings:
1import android.content.Intent
2import android.provider.Settings
4fun openWifiSettings() {
5 val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS)
6 startActivity(intent)
  • Bluetooth Settings:
1import android.content.Intent
2import android.provider.Settings
4fun openBluetoothSettings() {
5 val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS)
6 startActivity(intent)
  • Location Settings:
1import android.content.Intent
2import android.provider.Settings
4fun openLocationSettings() {
5 val intent = Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS)
6 startActivity(intent)

These examples demonstrate how to launch specific settings screens for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Location. By using the appropriate intent actions, you can easily guide users to the desired settings screens based on your app's requirements.


In this article, we discussed how to open Android device settings programmatically using Kotlin. We explored opening the general device settings screen, as well as specific settings screens tailored to your app or certain system features. By leveraging these techniques, you can enhance your app's user experience by seamlessly integrating with the device settings and allowing users to configure settings conveniently.