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How to Handle a 500 Error When Using React's Fetch Function

React, Fetch, Typescript1 min read

When making HTTP requests in React with the Fetch API, it is important to handle errors properly in order to provide a better user experience. One of the most common errors you may encounter is the 500 error, which indicates that there was an internal server error.

To handle a 500 error when using React's fetch function with Typescript, you can use the catch method to catch any errors thrown during the fetch request:

2 .then(response => {
3 if (!response.ok) {
4 throw new Error(response.statusText);
5 }
6 return response.json();
7 })
8 .catch(error => {
9 console.error('Error:', error);
10 });

Psst! By the way, I wrote another article a little while back about how to redirect to another page using React. If you're interested feel free to check it out!

The catch method will be called if there is an error during the fetch request, such as a 500 error. Within the catch block, you can log the error or display an error message to the user.

It is also a good practice to wrap your fetch request in a try-catch block to catch any errors that occur while processing the response:

1try {
2 const response = await fetch(url);
3 const data = await response.json();
4 // process data
5} catch (error) {
6 console.error('Error:', error);

In this example, the await keyword is used to wait for both the response and the parsed JSON data. If there is an error during the fetch request or while processing the response, the code within the catch block will be executed.

By properly handling errors, you can provide a better user experience and ensure that your React application continues to function correctly even when errors occur.