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Removing CocoaPods from a Project

iOS, CocoaPods, Dependency Management2 min read

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to remove CocoaPods from an iOS project? Whether it's because you want to switch to a different dependency management system(like SPM!) or simply because you no longer need the added complexity, removing CocoaPods can be a bit of a pain. In this article, we will guide you through the steps involved in removing CocoaPods from your iOS project, and we'll also discuss alternative options for managing dependencies.

Step 1: Remove CocoaPods Installation

The first step is to remove the CocoaPods installation from your project. Open your terminal and navigate to the root directory of your project. Once there, execute the following command:

1$ pod deintegrate

This command will remove all CocoaPods-related files and configurations from your project. It's worth noting that this step will not remove the actual pods from your project directory, but it will remove the integration with CocoaPods.

Step 2: Remove Podfile and Pods Directory

Next, you'll want to remove the Podfile and the Pods directory from your project. You can do this by executing the following commands in your terminal:

1$ rm Podfile
2$ rm -rf Pods

These commands will delete the Podfile and the Pods directory, effectively removing all traces of CocoaPods from your project.

Step 3: Update Build Settings and Targets

After removing the CocoaPods-related files, you'll need to update your project's build settings and targets. Open your Xcode project and navigate to the project settings. Select your project target and go to the "Build Settings" tab.

In the search bar, type "Pods" to filter the settings. Look for any build settings related to CocoaPods, such as "Other Linker Flags" or "Framework Search Paths." Remove these settings if they exist.

Additionally, you may need to remove any references to CocoaPods frameworks from your target's "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section. Simply select the frameworks that start with "Pods_" and click the minus (-) button to remove them.

Step 4: Clean and Build

Once you've made the necessary changes to your build settings and targets, it's time to clean and build your project. Go to Xcode's "Product" menu and select "Clean Build Folder." After the cleaning process is complete, perform a regular build by selecting "Build" from the same menu.

Alternative Dependency Management Options

Now that you have successfully removed CocoaPods from your project, you may be wondering what alternatives are available for managing dependencies in iOS development. Here are a few popular options:

Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager (SPM) is a dependency management tool integrated into Xcode. It allows you to easily manage dependencies, including both Swift packages and C libraries. SPM has gained popularity among iOS developers and is the recommended choice for projects that primarily use Swift and don't rely on third-party Objective-C frameworks.


Carthage is another popular dependency manager for iOS projects. It focuses on simplicity and builds dependencies as frameworks. Carthage relies on Xcode's built-in support for frameworks and does not require any additional configuration files.

Manual Integration

For smaller projects or dependencies that don't have a dedicated package manager, you can consider manually integrating the code into your project. This approach involves copying the necessary files into your project directory and configuring the build settings manually. While this method may require more manual effort, it can be a viable option for certain scenarios.


Remember, the choice of dependency management tool depends on various factors such as project size, language compatibility, and community support. Evaluate your project's needs and choose the option that best fits your development workflow!