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Removing Decimals from a Number in Swift

Swift, iOS Development1 min read

When working with numbers in Swift, sometimes you may need to remove the decimal part of a floating-point number to get an integer value. There are several ways to achieve this in Swift. In this post, we will discuss some of the most commonly used techniques to remove decimals from a number in Swift.

Using the Int() Constructor

One way to remove decimals from a number in Swift is by using the Int() constructor. This constructor creates an integer value from a floating-point number by truncating the decimal part. Here is an example:

1let number = 12.34
2let integer = Int(number)
3print(integer) // Output: 12

In the above example, we create a floating-point number 12.34 and convert it to an integer using the Int() constructor. The output of the above code is 12, which is the integer value obtained after removing the decimal part.

Using the floor() Function

Another way to remove decimals from a number in Swift is by using the floor() function. This function returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the given number. Here is an example:

1let number = 12.56
2let integer = Int(floor(number))
3print(integer) // Output: 12

In the above example, we create a floating-point number 12.56 and apply the floor() function to it. The output of the above code is 12, which is the integer value obtained after removing the decimal part.

Using the truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) Method

You can also remove decimals from a number in Swift by using the truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method. This method returns the remainder of the division operation performed on the given number. Here is an example:

1let number = 12.78
2let integer = Int(number.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1))
3print(integer) // Output: 12

In the above example, we create a floating-point number 12.78 and apply the truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method to it with a divisor of 1. The output of the above code is 12, which is the integer value obtained after removing the decimal part.


In this post, we have discussed different ways to remove decimals from a number in Swift. You can use the Int() constructor, the floor() function, or the truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method to obtain the integer value without the decimal part.

  • The Int() constructor creates an integer value from a floating-point number by truncating the decimal part.
  • The floor() function returns the largest integer value less than or equal to the given number.
  • The truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) method returns the remainder of the division operation performed on the given number.