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String Interpolation in Swift

Swift, String Interpolation, Programming1 min read

String interpolation is a feature in many programming languages that allows you to embed expressions within a string. In Swift, this feature is used to build strings from a combination of constants, variables, and expressions. It is a powerful tool that can help you create dynamic and flexible strings that can be easily changed and updated as needed.

How to Use String Interpolation in Swift

In Swift, string interpolation is performed using the backslash \ (backslash) character with round brackets. For example:

1let name = "John"
2let age = 32
4let message = "Hello, my name is \(name) and I am \(age) years old."

In the above example, the expression \(name) is replaced with the value of the name constant, and the expression \(age) is replaced with the value of the age constant. When this code is executed, it will print the following string to the console:

1Hello, my name is John and I am 32 years old.

String interpolation in Swift can also be used to embed complex expressions within a string. For example:

1let hours = 8
2let hourlyRate = 25.0
4let earnings = "\(hours * Int(hourlyRate)) dollars"

In this example, the expression \(hours * Int(hourlyRate)) is calculated and its value is embedded within the string. When this code is executed, it will print the following string to the console:

1200 dollars


String interpolation is a powerful feature in Swift that allows developers to embed expressions and values within a string. By using this feature, you can create dynamic and flexible strings that can be easily changed and updated as needed. Whether you are developing an iOS or macOS application, string interpolation is a useful tool that you should definitely have in your toolbox.