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Taking a Look at Swift's TimeInterval

Swift, TimeInterval, Date2 min read

When working with dates and time in Swift, it is often necessary to represent time durations, such as the time between two dates or the duration of an operation. This is where Swift's TimeInterval type comes in handy. In this post, we will take a closer look at TimeInterval and how it can be used to represent time durations in Swift applications.

What is TimeInterval?

TimeInterval is a typealias for Double that represents a duration of time in seconds. It is used to represent time durations in many parts of the Swift standard library, including the Date type, which represents a specific point in time, and the Timer class, which can be used to schedule tasks to run after a specified interval of time.

Here is an example of how to use TimeInterval to represent a duration of one minute:

1let oneMinute: TimeInterval = 60

Using TimeInterval with Date

One common use case for TimeInterval is to represent the time difference between two dates. For example, you might want to calculate the number of days, hours, or minutes between two dates. To do this, you can use the timeIntervalSince(_:) method on Date, which returns the time interval between two dates in seconds.

Here is an example of how to use timeIntervalSince(_:) to calculate the number of seconds between two dates:

1let startDate = Date()
2let endDate = startDate.addingTimeInterval(60)
3let timeDifference = endDate.timeIntervalSince(startDate)
4print(timeDifference) // Output: 60.0

In this example, we first create a startDate representing the current date and time. We then create an endDate by adding one minute to the startDate using the addingTimeInterval(_:) method. Finally, we calculate the time difference between the two dates using the timeIntervalSince(_:) method and print the result.

Using TimeInterval with Timer

Another common use case for TimeInterval is with the Timer class, which can be used to schedule tasks to run after a specified interval of time. To use TimeInterval with Timer, you simply specify the time interval as the first parameter when creating a new timer.

Here is an example of how to use TimeInterval with Timer to schedule a task to run every 5 seconds:

1let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 5.0, repeats: true) { timer in
2 print("Timer fired!")

In this example, we create a new Timer object using the scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval:repeats:block:) class method, which takes a time interval (5 seconds in this case), a Boolean value indicating whether the timer should repeat, and a closure to be executed when the timer fires. In this case, the closure simply prints a message to the console.


In this post, we have taken a closer look at Swift's TimeInterval type and how it can be used to represent time durations in Swift applications. Whether you are working with dates, timers, or any other part of the Swift standard library that deals with time, TimeInterval is a powerful and flexible tool that can help you accomplish your goals. So next time you need to represent a duration of time in your Swift application, don't forget about TimeInterval!