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How to Use SwiftUI's contentShape Modifier

SwiftUI, contentShape, UI Design2 min read

As a SwiftUI developer, you may have encountered situations where you need to create custom hit-testing areas for your views, or improve the accessibility and user experience of your app's UI design. That's where the contentShape modifier comes in handy.

In this article, we'll dive into the details of the contentShape modifier and explore some examples of how you can use it in your SwiftUI projects.

What is contentShape?

The contentShape modifier is a SwiftUI view modifier that allows you to define the shape of the content of a view for the purposes of hit-testing and accessibility. By default, SwiftUI uses the bounding rectangle of a view's content as the hit-testing area. However, sometimes you may want to use a different shape for hit-testing, such as a circle or a rounded rectangle.

How to use contentShape

Using contentShape is very straightforward. You simply apply it to the view whose content shape you want to modify and pass in a shape parameter, such as a Rectangle, Circle, or Capsule. For example:

1Text("Hello, World!")
2 .font(.headline)
3 .padding()
4 .background(
5 .cornerRadius(10)
6 .contentShape(Rectangle())

In this example, we apply contentShape(Rectangle()) to a Text view to define its content shape as a rectangle. The result is that the hit-testing area for the text view is now limited to the rectangle, rather than the default bounding box of the text.

You can also use other shapes, such as a circle or a rounded rectangle, to define the content shape. Here's an example using a circle:

1Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
2 .font(.system(size: 30))
3 .foregroundColor(.red)
4 .padding()
5 .background(Color.white)
6 .clipShape(Circle())
7 .contentShape(Circle())

In this example, we apply contentShape(Circle()) to an Image view to define its content shape as a circle. The result is that the hit-testing area for the image is now limited to the circle, rather than the default bounding box of the image.

Why use contentShape?

Using contentShape can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • It allows you to define custom hit-testing areas for your views, which can be particularly useful for irregularly shaped views, such as icons or logos.
  • It can improve the accessibility and user experience of your app's UI design, by making it easier for users to interact with your views, especially for users with disabilities.
  • It can help optimize the performance of your app, by reducing the hit-testing area of your views to only what's necessary.
  • It can be useful when you are using a Button and want the whole area of the button to be tappable(including the blank space between views).


In this article, we learned about the contentShape modifier in SwiftUI and explored some examples of how to use it in your projects. By defining custom hit-testing areas for your views, you can improve the accessibility and user experience of your app's UI design, and optimize its performance. So the next time you need to define a custom hit-testing area for a view, give contentShape a try!