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Taking a Look at SwiftUI's fullScreenCover

SwiftUI, fullScreenCover, Modal Presentation2 min read

I've been exploring SwiftUI's fullScreenCover modifier, and today I want to share my findings with you. This modifier is a powerful tool for presenting views in fullscreen mode in iOS apps, providing a seamless and immersive user experience. Let's dive into how to use fullScreenCover and see some practical examples.

Understanding fullScreenCover

The fullScreenCover modifier, available in SwiftUI, allows you to present a view in fullscreen mode on top of the current view hierarchy. It's similar to a modal presentation but offers more flexibility in terms of content and dismissal. By using fullScreenCover, you can display additional content or actions that require the user's attention without completely replacing the current view.

Here's the basic syntax of fullScreenCover:

1.fullScreenCover(item: Binding<Identifiable>?, onDismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil, content: (Identifiable) -> View)

The item parameter is an optional binding to an identifiable object that represents the state of the presented view. When the value of item changes, the specified content view is presented in fullscreen mode. If item is nil, the fullscreen view is dismissed.

The onDismiss parameter is an optional closure that is called when the fullscreen view is dismissed. This closure can be used to perform any necessary cleanup or trigger actions after the fullscreen presentation is finished.

Implementing fullScreenCover in SwiftUI

Let's dive into an example to see how fullScreenCover can be implemented. Suppose we have an app with a list of items, and we want to present a detail view for each item in fullscreen mode when the user selects an item.

1struct ContentView: View {
2 @State private var selectedItem: Item? = nil
4 var body: some View {
5 List(items) { item in
6 Text(
7 .onTapGesture {
8 selectedItem = item
9 }
10 }
11 .fullScreenCover(item: $selectedItem) { item in
12 DetailView(item: item)
13 }
14 }

In the code snippet above, we have a ContentView that displays a list of Item objects. When the user taps on an item, we update the selectedItem state variable, triggering the presentation of the DetailView using the fullScreenCover modifier. The DetailView is then presented in fullscreen mode, and its content is based on the selected item.

The DetailView can be implemented as a separate SwiftUI view that accepts an Item object:

1struct DetailView: View {
2 let item: Item
4 var body: some View {
5 // Display item details here
6 }

Dismissing fullScreenCover

To dismiss the fullscreen view presented with fullScreenCover, you can either use the built-in swipe-down gesture or provide a custom dismiss action. If you want to dismiss the fullscreen view programmatically, simply set the item binding to nil.

1struct DetailView: View {
2 @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss
4 var body: some View {
5 Button("Dismiss") {
6 dismiss()
7 }
8 }

In the example above, we use the dismiss environment value to access the dismiss action associated with the fullscreen view. When the "Dismiss" button is tapped, we call the dismiss() function to dismiss the fullscreen view.


SwiftUI's fullScreenCover modifier is a powerful tool for presenting views in fullscreen mode, allowing you to create immersive user experiences in your iOS apps. By following the examples and guidelines in this article, you can leverage fullScreenCoverto enhance your app's interactivity and engage users.

And that's it for today's exploration of SwiftUI's fullScreenCover modifier. I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and practical examples for using this powerful tool in your iOS app development. Stay tuned for more articles on SwiftUI and iOS development!