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Using SwiftyBeaver for Logging

Swift, Logging, SwiftyBeaver1 min read

When it comes to developing iOS applications, having a reliable logging mechanism is crucial for effective debugging and monitoring. SwiftyBeaver is a popular logging framework that provides advanced features and flexibility for logging in Swift-based projects. In this article, we will explore how to use SwiftyBeaver for logging in iOS development, covering its installation, configuration, and various logging capabilities.


  1. Start by adding SwiftyBeaver as a dependency in your project. You can use CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager (SPM) to integrate SwiftyBeaver into your codebase.

    For example, with CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:

    1pod 'SwiftyBeaver'
  2. Run the command pod install to fetch the SwiftyBeaver library and include it in your project.


To configure SwiftyBeaver, you need to create an instance of SwiftyBeaver and define the desired log destinations. Common log destinations include console output, file storage, and remote services like Slack or email.

Here's an example configuration in your app's entry point, such as AppDelegate.swift:

1import SwiftyBeaver
3let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
5func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
6 // Console destination
7 let console = ConsoleDestination()
8 console.minLevel = .debug // Set the minimum log level
10 // File destination
11 let file = FileDestination()
12 file.logFileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/logfile.log")
14 // Add destinations to SwiftyBeaver
15 log.addDestination(console)
16 log.addDestination(file)
18 return true

Logging Examples

Basic Logging

Once you have SwiftyBeaver configured, you can start logging messages at different levels using the provided log instance (log in the example above). Here's how you can perform basic logging:

1log.verbose("This is a verbose log.")
2log.debug("Debug information goes here.")"Informational message.")
4log.warning("A warning occurred!")
5log.error("An error happened.")

Custom Logging

SwiftyBeaver allows you to customize log formats and add additional information to your logged messages. You can use log functions that accept templates with variables. Here's an example of custom logging:

1let userID = 123
2log.debug("User \(userID) logged in successfully.")

Logging Objects

SwiftyBeaver simplifies logging complex objects by automatically converting them to a readable format. You can pass any object that conforms to the CustomStringConvertible protocol. For instance:

1struct Person: CustomStringConvertible {
2 let name: String
3 let age: Int
5 var description: String {
6 return "Name: \(name), Age: \(age)"
7 }
10let person = Person(name: "John Smith", age: 30)

Filtering Logs

SwiftyBeaver provides a filtering mechanism to control which logs are displayed based on their log level. By setting the minimum log level for each destination, you can filter out less important logs in production builds. For example:

1console.minLevel = .info // Console will only show info, warning, and error logs

In Closing

SwiftyBeaver offers a comprehensive logging solution for iOS developers, enabling effective debugging and monitoring during application development. By following the installation and configuration steps outlined in this article, you can integrate SwiftyBeaver seamlessly into your Swift-based projects. Start using SwiftyBeaver today and take control of your app's logging capabilities.