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Understanding Android's fitsSystemWindows

Android, UI Development, fitsSystemWindows, Layout Design1 min read

Android's fitsSystemWindows is a powerful attribute that helps developers create responsive layouts that work well with the system UI. This article explores what it does, how to use it, and some best practices.

What is fitsSystemWindows?

fitsSystemWindows is a boolean attribute that can be applied to View elements in Android layouts. When set to true, it instructs the View to adjust its padding to account for the system windows, such as the status bar and navigation bar.

How it Works

  1. When fitsSystemWindows is set to true on a View, the system will call fitSystemWindows(Rect insets) on that View.
  2. The insets parameter contains the pixel distances the View should be inset from each edge of the screen.
  3. The View can then adjust its layout or drawing accordingly.


To use fitsSystemWindows, add it to your View in XML:

2 android:layout_width="match_parent"
3 android:layout_height="match_parent"
4 android:fitsSystemWindows="true">
5 <!-- Child views -->

Or set it programmatically:


Best Practices

  1. Apply to the root view: Generally, apply fitsSystemWindows to the root view of your layout.
  2. Be consistent: If you use it on a ViewGroup, all its children will receive the insets. Be consistent in how you handle this throughout your view hierarchy.
  3. Consider custom behaviors: For complex layouts, you might need to implement custom inset handling.
  4. Test thoroughly: Test your UI on different devices and API levels to ensure consistent behavior.

Limitations and Considerations

  • fitsSystemWindows doesn't work well with ScrollView or ListView. For these, consider using android:clipToPadding="false" instead.
  • It may not behave as expected with certain layouts or in all situations. Always test thoroughly.


fitsSystemWindows is a valuable tool for creating layouts that interact well with the system UI. By understanding its behavior and following best practices, you can create more responsive and user-friendly Android applications.