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Understanding versionCode vs versionName in Android

Android, App Development, versionCode, versionName1 min read

Whether you are a seasoned Android developer or just starting out, understanding the nuances of versioning your Android applications is crucial. Two key attributes in an Android project's build configuration file, build.gradle, play a critical role in version management: versionCode and versionName. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two elements, their significance, and how they impact the development and release process of Android applications.

The Basics of VersionCode and VersionName


The versionCode is an integer value used to represent the version of your application code, relative to other versions. This attribute is essential for the Android system to manage and track updates across different devices. It must be a monotonically increasing integer, which means that every subsequent version must have a higher versionCode than its predecessors.


Contrastingly, the versionName is a string value that represents the release version of your application to users. Unlike versionCode, this attribute is not used by the system for internal tracking but is visible to users. Typically, developers use versionName to display the version information within the app's user interface or for communicating the version to end-users.

Example Usage

Let's consider an example to grasp the practical implications of versionCode and versionName. Assume you are working on an app called "MyApp" with an initial version 1.0. As you introduce changes and bug fixes, it becomes necessary to update the application version.

Defining versionCode

In the build.gradle file for "MyApp," you would increment the versionCode each time a new release is prepared. For example, if the initial versionCode is set to 1, the subsequent release might have a versionCode of 2, then 3, and so forth. This sequential increase ensures proper tracking and identification of different versions.

Defining versionName

Simultaneously, the versionName is adjusted to reflect the user-facing version information. Following the initial release of 1.0, you might update the versionName to 1.1 for minor updates, 2.0 for significant feature additions, and so on. This way, users can easily identify the nature of the update based on the version displayed to them.


  • versionCode is an integer value that represents the version of the application code and is used by the system for internal tracking.
  • versionName is a string value that indicates the release version of the application and is visible to users.
  • Properly managing and incrementing versionCode ensures smooth updates and compatibility across various Android devices.
  • Updating versionName enables clear communication of the app's version to end-users, aiding in transparency and comprehension of app updates.